Volusia Bourbon Society Helps Raise $20,000!

Enjoying fine bourbon isn’t the only thing the Volusia Bourbon Society does. They helped Remy’s Aloha raise $20,000 at their second annual Bourbon & Bow ties holiday event! Thank you for the support. It means the World to us.

Our experience with cancer completely rearranged our list of priorities and ignited a fire in our hearts to help others and carry on Remy’s little life legacy. This cruel disease took so much from my family and me, but what leukemia intended to harm, God intended for good.

Our community came together to raise a little over $20,000 !! We are beyond humbled and grateful and so excited to be able to help so many more families facing a cancer diagnosis.

@volusiabourbonsociety and @outriggerstikibarandgrille showed up big time - a HUGE thank you to everyone for working so hard to make Bourbon & Bow Ties an amazing success. Thank you to everyone who donated items for the silent & live auction, and of course thank you to our supporters and all our people who continue to cheer us on and love Remy.💛🦋


Galapagos Federal Systems donates $10,000 to Remy’s Aloha